10 Tips To Minimize The Strain On Your HVAC System During The Summer

HVAC Summer Tips | Pro Heat and AC Repair Arcadia

You should be able to relax in your house without worrying about whether your heating or air conditioning system will fail you. Unfortunately, most people don’t think about their HVAC systems until they stop working. By then, it’s usually too late to prevent extensive damage and an expensive repair bill. Thankfully, you can count on Pro Heat and AC Repair Arcadia!

As the temperatures begin to rise, so does the strain on your HVAC system. Your HVAC system has to work harder to keep your home cool and comfortable, leading to higher energy bills and increased wear and tear on the unit. You can do a few simple things to minimize the strain on your system and help it run more efficiently.

Here are ten tips to keep in mind this summer:

  1. Change your air filter regularly: A dirty air filter can restrict airflow and make your system work harder than it needs to. Check your filter monthly and change it as needed so your system can operate at peak efficiency.
  2. Keep your vents and registers clean: Dust and debris can build up on your vents and registers, restricting airflow, which is why heating and air maintenance are necessary. Vacuum or dust them off regularly to keep the air flowing freely and your system running smoothly.
  3. Don’t block your vents: They need to be unobstructed so that air can flow freely through them. Be sure to keep furniture and other items at least 3 feet away from vents to ensure proper airflow. This also applies to returns, which should also be kept clear.
  4. Use your ceiling fans: Ceiling fans can help circulate the air in your home and make it feel cooler without lowering the temperature on your thermostat. Use them in conjunction with your air conditioner, so you’re not overworking your system.
  5. Keep your blinds and curtains closed: By keeping your blinds and curtains closed during the day, you can help block out the sun’s heat and keep your home cooler. It’s also a good idea to open them up at night to let the cooler air in.
  6. Use your exhaust fans: Bathroom and kitchen exhaust fans can help remove heat and humidity from the air, making your home more comfortable. Be sure to use them when you’re cooking or showering to help keep the air in your home fresh and cool.
  7. Don’t use appliances that generate heat: During the summer, try to avoid using appliances that generate heat, such as ovens and dryers. This will help keep your home cooler and reduce the strain on your air conditioner.
  8. Seal any leaks: Drafty doors and windows can let in hot air, making your home harder to cool. Be sure to check for any leaks around your home and seal them up with weatherstripping or caulk.
  9. Insulate your attic: Hot air rises, so if your attic is not properly insulated, it can make your entire home hotter. Check your attic insulation and add more if needed to help keep the heat out. You can also invest in an attic fan to help remove hot air from your home.
  10. Schedule preventive maintenance: The best way to keep your air conditioner running efficiently is to have it serviced regularly. Be sure to schedule AC service and maintenance at least once a year to address any potential issues before they become major problems. This will help your system run more smoothly and efficiently and prevent costly repairs down the road.

Following these home heating maintenance tips can help minimize the strain on your HVAC system this summer and keep your home cool and comfortable. If you have any concerns about your heating and cooling needs, contact Pro Heat and AC Repair Arcadia for assistance!

To get an appointment with our team at Pro Heat and AC Repair Arcadia, call our phone numbers or fill out our online form now. Sign up today to ensure your total comfort needs all year round!